The Teller Window
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November 14, 2019

Key Takeaways from President Williams’s Speech on the Interconnectedness of the Global Economy

On Thursday, November 14, New York Fed President John Williams spoke about the interconnectedness of the global economy, and what that means for the outlook in the United States.

He said:

“If monetary policy represents a set of scales, on one side we have a strong U.S. economy with unemployment near a 50-year low, and on the other, a more challenging and uncertain landscape.”

“[T]he interconnectedness of our economies means that literally, no man is an island. If one economy starts to struggle, the spillover effects onto others can take hold rapidly.”

“The long-term factors driving low r-star and slowing global growth, as well as the more near-term geopolitical tensions, are afflictions from which we all suffer.”

President Williams began by describing current economic conditions in the United States. He said, “GDP looks to grow around 2 percent this year, and unemployment has stayed at or near historically low levels.” But despite strong growth, the FOMC has moved to cut rates three times this year. He discussed three trends — the low neutral rate of interest, or r-star, slowing global growth, and rising geopolitical tensions — that are “critically important to the long-term prospects of the U.S. economy.”

Turning to r-star, he said that structural shifts in demographics and productivity growth “point clearly in the direction of low neutral interest rates and slowing growth.” He noted that “the fact that these changes are a common experience for so many developed economies creates challenges to our economic prospects at home.” Discussing slowing global growth, he highlighted that the latest International Monetary Fund numbers for global growth are now at their lowest since 2008–09. And finally, he said that rising geopolitical tensions “are driving many businesses to take a wait-and-see approach to investment, thus putting a further dampener on growth prospects.”

Turning to what this means for the U.S. economy and monetary policy, President Williams said, “The adjustments to monetary policy we made this year were designed to balance maintaining a strong U.S. economy with slowing global growth, and provide insurance against ongoing and potential future risks.”

Read the full speech.

This article was originally published by the New York Fed on Medium.

The views expressed in this article are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the New York Fed or the Federal Reserve System.


The Teller Window is a publication featuring expert knowledge and insight from the New York Fed, including thoughts and perspectives from senior leaders. It offers a deep look at issues that matter to the Federal Reserve’s Second District and the nation.

Articles on the Teller Window focus on the people and programs that help the New York Fed support the U.S. economy. They are written for a wide audience with the aim of illustrating what we are doing and why it matters. Stories include editorials, interviews, explainers, and reports on events and trends in our communities and region. The Teller Window is edited by the Communications and Outreach Group on behalf of the New York Fed. Separately, for analysis from New York Fed economists working at the intersection of research and policy, please see Liberty Street Economics.

The New York Fed began publishing on the Teller Window in November 2022. Articles with dates earlier than November 2022 were originally published by the New York Fed on Medium.

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