Teacher Professional Development: Demonstrating Economics Is Integral to Life

Two groups of about 10 teachers stood on opposite sides of the room, each holding a single playing card, their eyes focused on the empty space in the middle of the New York Fed’s Museum and Learning Center. The color of the card told each teacher if they were a buyer or a seller. At the signal, they sprinted into the market, calling out prices and trying to make deals.
Engaging Future Central Bankers: Newark Seventh Graders Visit the New York Fed

About 1,800 students, teachers, and chaperones from the Newark public school system visited the New York Fed’s Museum & Learning Center over three months this spring. The visits were part of the New York Fed’s outreach efforts to engage every seventh-grade class in the New Jersey school district, the third largest in the New York Fed’s Second District after New York City and Puerto Rico.
Bringing the HE³AT: New Program Invites High School Students to the New York Fed for Hands‑on Learning

The high school students sitting in small groups in the New York Fed’s Museum and Learning Center had received clear instructions about the 30 paper slips on each group’s table: Using their non-dominant hands, students could grab one piece of paper at a time during each of five 20-second rounds. At the end of each round, each group would receive either double the number of slips left on the table or 10 additional slips. The goal: Maximize the number of paper slips held by each group.
Back to School: With Classroom Visits, Econ Ed Team Meets Students Where They Are

As a member of the Economic Education team at the New York Fed, I work with my colleagues to enhance economic literacy and teach students about the Federal Reserve System. Our “classroom visits” program, which features guest instruction from members of the Econ Ed team for high schools and colleges, is a key part of that mission.
Connecting with Teachers: Econ Ed Team Takes Lesson Plan to a Bigger Classroom

How do you engage, empower, and inspire the next generation? This was the question that brought together more than 300 New York State teachers, both in-person and online, at the annual convention of the New York State Council for the Social Studies in Albany, New York. The New York Fed’s Economic Education team, which produces content and programs for educators, students, and the public, presented its high school lesson plan, “How Does Where You Live Influence How You Live?”, at the 2022 conference.
What Does 21st Century Civic Engagement Look Like?

On January 31, the New York Fed’s economic education team hosted “What Does 21st Century Civic Engagement Look Like?,” a virtual event to discuss the challenges and opportunities of civic engagement education. The event featured a panel of experts in civic education, presentations by three educators who have led civic engagement projects, two project demonstrations from students, and an interactive whiteboard session where participants shared their thoughts on civic engagement classroom strategies.
High School Fed Challenge: Inspiring Tomorrow’s Economists Through Problem‑Solving

Getting high school students to think like economists: That’s the goal of the High School Fed Challenge.
Back to School: Supporting Economic Education with Classroom Materials for All Levels

The New York Fed’s Economic Education team recognizes the vital role teachers continue to play on the front lines of the pandemic, and we value and appreciate their work. Educators are charged with instilling knowledge and inspiring curiosity, and because today’s students include tomorrow’s policymakers, the New York Fed has a suite of online resources available to support teachers in the study area of economics.
Second District Triumphs in Annual College Fed Challenge

Pace University recently won the 16th annual national College Fed Challenge, a competition hosted by the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors. The winning team, which represented our district — the Fed’s Second District — included members Scarlett Bekus, Joseph Drennan, Sean Freda, Marissa Kleinbauer, and Dylan Seals, and was led by faculty advisors Greg Colman and Mark Weinstock. The Lower Manhattan-based school prevailed against teams from Harvard University, Loyola University Maryland, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Inspiring the Next Generation of STEM Leaders: Pam Dyson’s Conversation with Black Girls Code

At the end of April, the New York Fed hosted an economic education event for about 50 middle and high school students from Black Girls Code, a nonprofit organization that focuses on increasing the number of women of color in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math).